


Welcome to my Website, Wolf Tracks! Thank you for taking the time to visit and check this page out. By now Im sure you are wondering "Where did he get the name Wolf Tracks from massage?" Well it all started when i began to brainstorm about a business name as graduation day loomed closer and closer. Don't get me wrong, I was excited for graduation, but it was a big eye opener, realizing I actually made it that far and was about to set off into the world as a Massage Therapist. Anyways, Wolf tracks came from deriving 'Tracks' from pawprints, my hands being the paws as i massage and "See with my hands" and well 'Wolf' came from my love and respect for wolves. Even though they are seen as pack hunters which is truly amazing to me, they are also very caring and protective of their pack. The way I was seeing it when i came up the the name for my business was that I was in the pack leader role and putting my pack first before my own needs. My clients are my "pack" and I want to help them first before myself.